Tricks of making salep, the palace drink of thousands of years

Sahlep; It is considered as the indispensable drink of the winter months with its soft drink, delicious smell and warm consistency.
Known as 'the sultan's drink' in history and being one of the main ingredients of the famous Maraş ice cream as well as its drink, salep still preserves its place among the popular drinks with its 3000-year history. exp. dit. Information about the benefits of salep from Nihan Yakut , which does not end with counting the benefits, is in this article.
What is salep?
Salep, which is included in the medical prescriptions of even the palace doctors in the Ottoman Empire, can be produced with the roots (onions) of 30% of the 150 orchid species that survive in Turkey. Orchids are separated from their bulbs, the onions are first washed, then boiled and left to dry. Dried onions are cut into small pieces by pulling and waiting in mills, ready to take their place in glasses or ice creams. The fertile lands of our country have been offering us this beautiful drink for centuries.
Natural salep is both healthy and low in calories.
When salep is made with natural methods at home, it can be consumed with peace of mind as it has a nutritious and low-calorie content. However, instant salep flavored beverage powders, which are sold as a package and quickly "mix, make" style, can cause weight gain due to additives and especially high sugar content.
One of the most distinctive features of salep is its glucomannan content from the family of complex carbohydrates. Glucomannan is a viscous dietary fiber derivative that can have a mucilage effect. This effect is also the reason for the consistency that occurs when boiled with milk. Due to its glucomannan structure, it also supports the increase of bowel movements. Drinking salep with milk becomes even more nutritious with milk proteins and makes you feel fuller for a long time.
Salep is a rich drink with vitamins A - C, iron and potassium.
Consuming it by adding cinnamon to the salep is a good support for balancing blood sugar. 1 glass of salep contains an average of 180-200 calories of energy. However, it is also rich in protein, vitamin A-C, iron and potassium. Instead of choosing packages and products containing sugar, it can be prepared practically at home by taking the plain powder form.
You can end your sweet crisis with salep
While a person loses weight or eats in a controlled manner during the weight maintenance process, when he craves sweets, he can easily suppress this desire by consuming salep, and moreover, he can stay full for a long time.
How to make a healthy salep in its full consistency?
You can adjust the ratio of powdered salep, which you can buy from Antik Kuruyemis, to one teaspoon of salep for every half liter of milk. Preferably, the sugar to be added is approximately 1 tablespoon per half liter of milk. Start heating the milk in a saucepan. Meanwhile, mix the granulated sugar and salep in a bowl and add to the warm milk. Cook with a wire whisk until it thickens to avoid lumps. If you wish, you can add vanilla while cooking or sprinkle cinnamon on it while serving.