Sage tea hibiscus mouthwash against Corona virus!

Increasing Covid-19 cases in recent days and the pandemic process we are in have increased the interest in medicinal plants. Although vaccine and drug studies are progressing at a promising level, methods to prevent infection continue to act as a protective shield against diseases.
Sage tea hibiscus mouthwash recommendation against Corona virus
An extremely popular name in the internet world with his herbal recipes and suggestions, Prof. Dr. Saraçoğlu suggested the sage tea hibiscus gargle against the corona virus (Covid-19). Saraçoğlu said, "Take such a pinch of sage, add hibiscus into a notch, mix it in a glass of water. After that, gargle it. Believe me, hundreds of thousands of people's lives will be saved in this way." said. The hibiscus plant, which is very rich in protein and vitamin C, has many known effects on human health.
Chief Advisor to the President Prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu suggested gargling with a mixture of sage and hibiscus 3 times a day to prevent Covid-19.
Saraçoğlu said, "There are some wars you will wage against Covid 19. There are things you can do while the virus is still in your nose; sage and one-third of hibiscus. You will mix sage and mallow , you will get 5-6 grams of this mixture in total. Gargle with it in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. and you will prepare it fresh every day. The key to a virus-killing mouthwash is that it is prepared fresh every day."
prof. Dr. Saraçoğlu continued his words as follows: "You can also take a few sips from time to time. There is no harm.
What is hibiscus?
Hibiscus , which is a spreading plant species native to the Mediterranean and North African regions, grows in eight different species known in our country. The general name of the 1500 genus plants of the hibiscus family is known as hibiscus.
The hibiscus plant, which can also be consumed as a vegetable, is added to recipes such as roasting, pastry mortars and rice dishes, adding a different aroma to dishes with its unique taste and smell. Tea, oil or cream are also produced from the hibiscus plant. The benefits of the plant, which is spread by the seeds it pours, are consumed as roots, stems and flowers.
Benefits of the hibiscus plant
The hibiscus plant has many known benefits to human health. These are as follows;
- Mouthwashes are good for pharyngitis and chronic tonsillitis.
- Due to the malvin and malvidin it contains, it has anti-plaque properties for gums and pro-oxidant against bacteria in the mouth.
- Bath treatment is effective in swelling of the feet, swelling caused by fractures and dislocations.
- Hibiscus tea treatment is used for dry eyes.
- It is used in the treatment of sputum collection in the lungs, cough and bronchitis, hoarseness.
How is hibiscus consumed?
The hibiscus plant, which is in root, stem and flower form, is used in different ways. The benefits of the plant, which is applied in different forms such as tea, porridge and bath, vary in this way.
Tea : 2 teaspoons of chopped flowers, leaves and whole herbs are mixed in 250 ml of cold water from time to time, left for 8-10 hours, and then filtered. Before drinking, it is heated and drunk hot.
Porridge : Fresh leaves or the whole plant are crushed in a bowl, heated quickly with very little water and wrapped around the sick area at a temperature that will not burn the body.
Bath : 10 g of flowers or the whole plant is kept in 1 liter of water for 8 hours and filtered.
Source : NTV