Drinks to strengthen your immune system in winter

As the sun decreases from summer to autumn, the metabolism, which is exposed to heat changes, begins to slow down to fight the cold weather more easily. As a result of the slowing down of metabolism, the immune system weakens, cannot fight diseases, and weight control cannot be achieved. So, what should be done to strengthen the immune system? What are the drinks that will strengthen immunity? Here are the details...
We have compiled for you Antique products that will help you stay fit by strengthening your immune system;
Chamomile tea that will increase your body resistance
Chamomile tea, which has been among the most popular herbal teas consumed for many years to calm the nerves and ease the transition to sleep, also helps strengthen your immune system.
Research on the effect of chamomile tea on immunity has concluded that the chemicals in chamomile increase the production of macrophages and B lymphocytes, and therefore the number of white blood cells, increasing the body's resistance against infectious diseases such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Matcha tea, which is drunk during traditional Japanese tea times, is the number one enemy of viruses and bacteria with its antioxidant properties and medicinal compounds. It supports vascular health and maintains hormone balances.
Ginger Tea with its refreshing scent
Ginger tea, a fragrant tea that you can prepare with fresh or dried ginger , is effective for clearing chest congestion and relieving flu-related sore throats. In addition, the components in ginger will increase your body's resistance against viral cells and accelerate the process of recovering from flu and colds.
Peppermint tea, which is popularly used in our country for colds and flu, relieves cough and softens the throat. Peppermint, which is used as an active ingredient in many commercially produced nasal and cough medicines, has antiviral properties that prevent the spread of viruses that cause flu.
Discover our honey group
Hot drinks relieve cold and flu symptoms by stimulating digestion. They help the immune system fight germs. You can put honey in hot water or milk and drink it.
While echinacea strengthens your immune system against the flu, it is a herbal source that is widely used in cases such as colds, coughs, bronchitis. In a study conducted on 108 patients in Germany in 1993, positive results were observed in those treated with echinacea.
Before moving on to the tea recipe, let's warn: Echinacea plant should not be used in liver disease, immune system diseases and pregnant women. The duration of use of echinacea should not exceed 10-14 days. After a 15-day break, echinacea can be used again.