The only natural source of selenium: Brazil Nuts

Little-known but delicious nut variety: Brazil Nut
Nuts as whole Turkey There is no one who does not know how much we love and consume its varieties. We consume nuts while chatting with friends, watching a match, enjoying the movies, watching TV series and even walking. Nuts, which are included in diet lists as well as these fun activities, are an important part of our lives. Today we would like to tell you about a little-known but very tasty nut. Brazil nut ... What is this brazil nut? Have you heard before? How does it taste, what are the benefits? We will try to convey the answers to these questions...
Brazil nut is a type of food from the Amazon region. The tree from which the Brazil nut grows is about 40 meters long and 2 meters in diameter. It is grown mainly in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. It is one of the nuts that is little known in our country but is slowly being discovered with its taste and benefits. So, how beneficial can Brazil nuts be? Why is it useful? I can hear your questions. We can use the statements of Dietitian Nesrin Eriş to answer these questions. Vitamin found in Brazil nuts, antioxidants and minerals, health terms is important because the access, "but the product of the real special and makes it unique, selenium content in the content. 1000 grams of Brazil nuts has about 1917 micrograms of selenium. With this rate Brazil nuts , the amount of natural selenium source Brazil nut contains 10 times more selenium than oysters, which is the second most concentrated source of selenium, and more than 20 times more than tuna, which is the third most concentrated source of selenium. It is enough to consume 1 Brazil nut," he said. Stating that selenium contributes to protein and DNA synthesis, Dietician Eriş said, "Selenium enters the structure of some proteins in the body. These are proteins with antioxidant properties and protect the cell from damage. Selenium, which has antioxidant properties, strengthens the immune system and makes the thyroid gland work well," and emphasized the importance of Brazil nuts. . She underlined that it is a natural treatment for Hashimoto's disease during pregnancy. Brazil nuts are the food with the lowest carbohydrate value among nuts.