Does chia seeds weaken? Here is the answer...

Does chia seeds weaken?
Chia seeds are a versatile material that can be easily digested if prepared in accordance with the methods and at the same time can be easily added to different recipes. Chia seeds have plenty of benefits. Studies have shown that consuming chia seeds has a positive effect on health. Thanks to the high fiber and protein content of chia seeds, it is a suitable food type for those who want to eat healthy. It also helps in weight loss. In alternative medicine, the benefits of many nuts and spices are mentioned. As we have just mentioned, chia seeds have become the focus of those who want to lose weight, especially women, with their high fiber and protein values. Chia seeds are widely used in South America. There is 20 percent protein, 34 percent fat and 25 percent dietary fiber on a single chia seed.
What are the benefits of chia seeds?
Chia seeds contain more Omega-3 than salmon and flaxseed, which are known as the best sources of Omega-3. Known to be very important for brain and heart health, Omega-3 provides significant benefits to metabolism when consumed regularly:
Chia seeds contain 5 grams of Omega-3 in every 28 grams.
There is 4.4 grams of protein in 28 grams, which is enough to meet 10% of the protein need of the celebrity.
The amino acid tryptophan it contains provides a feeling of satiety, regulates sleep and makes you feel better psychologically.
Chia seeds also lower LDL and triglycerides while increasing good cholesterol.
Chia seeds, which are also friendly to the digestive system thanks to the high fiber content they contain, are also effective in preventing problems such as constipation.
28 grams of Chia seeds meet 18% of the daily calcium requirement, which is also effective for stronger bones and dental health.
28 grams of Chia seeds also meet 27% of the daily phosphorus need.
Preparation of;
When a tablespoon of chia seeds is mixed with 1 glass of water and left for about half an hour, the fibers in the seed dissolve and become gelatinous. It is stated that after ingestion, it maintains the same form in the stomach. This creates a barrier between the gel carbohydrates formed in the stomach and the digesting digestive enzymes. Thus, carbohydrates turn into sugar more slowly. As a result, it normalizes blood sugar levels and prevents hunger. It is an ideal food for those who want to lose weight with its structure that keeps you full, prevents hunger and meets the nutritional values the body needs.
Another important feature of chia seeds is that they are very effective in terms of Omega 3. As a result of researches, it has been observed that the level of Omega 3 fatty acids in the body of people who consume 25 grams of chia seeds for a week increases significantly.
How to Consume Chia Seeds?
Chia seeds, which are consumed by keeping them in 1 glass of water for half an hour after breakfast, should also be consumed by adding them to breakfast cereals, fruit juices, meals, yogurt or milk. The recommended daily amount is a maximum of 2 tablespoons.
Other benefits of chia seeds!
Chia seeds are the ideal food for a healthy diet. It is an important nutrient in dental health as well as helping to lose weight. It is one of the auxiliary nutrients to have healthy and strong teeth.